"VB BitCoin" Visual Basic program to mine bitcoins.
The program "VB bitcoin" is a program written in Visual Basic to demonstrate the mining of bitcoins.
For a copy of "VB BitCoin.exe" select: VB BitCoin.zip.
The program is based on 7 questions related to bitcoins. To study the seven questions select:
BitCoins and Mining - 7 Questions
For more information goto: Implementation details
The Visual basic program program "VB Bitcoin" consits of 2 Forms (or displays):
- Control Form. This form is used to Start the program and to modify the parameters.
- Result Form. This form shows the results of the simulation.
Operation - Control Form
Operation of the program is done from the Control Form.
Picture 1A
Picture 1A Shows the initial display.
This dispay shows 3 Commands: Calc, End and Stop This depends about were you are during program execution.
- The Calc command is used to start the simulation.
After selecting the Calc command the End changes into Stop.
- The End command is used to terminate program exceution
- The Stop command is used to stop the simulation.
After selecting the Stop command the Stop command changes back into End this allows the user to modify certain parameters and to repeat the simulation.
Intially after starting program execution only the Calc, End commands are displayed.
The display also shows 3 additinal parameters: Msg, Auto and LowLimit